

We Serve Around the World

The Lions Club is Aberdeen's premier service organization. With over 60 members we work to serve area communities needs and support Lions Clubs International and its charities. The Aberdeen Lions Club was established in 1921. We are one of 40,000 Lions Clubs in 180 countries around the world.There are more than 1.4 million members worldwide.



Who Can Join?

Membership in the Lions is not exclusive or costly. Each new member is invited to join by a member in good standing. Lions welcome both men and women to join in service.

The dues are $80 a year. Dues cover the costs of local club administration and affilia- tion with Lions Clubs International. There is a one-time initiation fee to cover expenses associated with membership

The Aberdeen Lions Club does not rely on donations or bequests, the funding for our projects comes directly from the work of the members. All profits from Lion fund-raisers goes to support designated projects.

Lions have been strong supporters of sight- related projects since Helen Keller urged Lions in 1925 to become “Knights of the Blind.”

Complete this application** and contact an officer about membership.

**If you right click on the link and save the PDF file, the application can be completed with the Acrobat Reader and saved.

Lions are an international network of 1.3 million men and women in 205 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world.

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Lions Clubs International
LionNet International
Lions Club International Foundation
Lions of South Dakota